Siren Warning System’s Advance with Auto-Activation Options from ASC!

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American Signal Corporation’s spirit of innovation lives on in our CompuLert NEXGen platform.  Our latest mass notification platform release, NEXGen, continues to provide industry leading command and control of all hazard and severe weather warning systems.  The NEXGen platform not only provides the ability of the siren controllers to automatically activate sirens upon receipt of NOAA Alerts, or based upon sophisticated activation rules, but the NEXGen Remote Terminal Units that exist at each siren site also contain the intelligence to automatically activate in response to external events such as high winds, rising water, etc.

This ability not only provides unattended activation during emergency situations freeing emergency operations personnel to perform mission critical activities, but it also reduces the time to activation providing life safety alerts faster.

When sirens, or other notification devices, automatically activate they also report their actions to controllers so that system operators remain in the know.  Auto-activation abilities can be turned on, off, and adjusted remotely from control points, or locally onsite.

With NEXGen your mass notification system and devices are “Infinitely Configurable”.

For more information please email ASC at


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