Tailored Solutions For All Industrial Mass Notification Systems Needs
Industrial mass notification systems and industrial emergency alert systems need to encompass a variety of unique scenarios and accommodate specific environmental factors in order to accomplish their intended purpose: to ensure the complete safety and awareness of plant operators and workers.
Robust Hazard Detection
The Industrial Communications branch of American Signal Corporation (ASC) will meet the communication needs of your facility. Our capabilities encompass a wide range of applications, including paging and communication for hazardous events (Class 1, Div. 2) and turnkey solutions for evacuation procedures, as well as alerts for safe area locations and more.
- Our CompuLert™ NEXGen software can integrate with virtually any existing hardware—including chemical and radiation detection sensors—for comprehensive alerting capabilities.
- ASC systems are designed to work with existing outdoor/indoor notification systems and fire alarm systems. Our products reflect our dedication to continued excellence and customer value.
ASC has served the industrial mass notification needs of numerous niche industries by tailoring our alert systems around every potential need. From plant-wide digital hazard alerts to sirens and lighting systems that are ideal for high-noise environments, we understand the importance of an industrial mass notification system that will function without fail.
Integrated Alerting
If you’re looking for an industrial emergency notification system that’s reliable, scalable, versatile and, above all, compliant with all major health and safety standards (OSHA, ADA, fire codes, etc.), ASC is the premier choice for turnkey solutions.
- CompuLert™ NEXGen offers multi-channel alerting that reaches everyone at your facilities, including through desktop notifications such as text, email, Wi-Fi and message boards, not to mention giant voice, sirens and lights.
- Utilize CompuLert™ NEXGen as the cornerstone of your entire mass notification network and build your communication systems around it seamlessly thanks to immersive integration capabilities.
For more information about upgrading your existing industrial mass notification system or to learn more about how American Signal Corporation can assist you in retrofitting your facilities with a state of the art system that’s truly encompassing, contact our team today.