
American Signal Corporation (ASC) is absolutely dedicated to each and every unique mass notification system we develop, right down to providing our clients with precise installation and seamless integration.

Mass notification systems require in-depth installations and detailed commissioning of the control centers, which means it’s imperative for the task to be undertaken by a highly trained professional with the experience to ensure quality. ASC has relationships with some of the best and most efficient installation companies in the world and we trust our partners wholly to deliver on the uncompromising excellence that we’re known for. All of our partner installation technicians are factory-trained, certified and have experience with installing, maintaining and servicing our systems in the field.

Our in-house project managers will manage your project from the day the order is placed until final acceptance testing is completed, assuring total compliance through the final installation. And, even after your turnkey installation is complete, your project manager will have the resources to manage the entire project and will communicate with you along the way, so you’re apprised of what’s happening and aware of any community-related tasks that may need to be completed.

There’s simply no substitute for excellence and at ASC, we believe in a higher standard of quality from beginning to end. The final installation of your mass notification system isn’t just another job: it’s the summation of excellence. For more information about our ability to offer comprehensive, turnkey installation services for your unique mass notification system or to speak with one of our experienced project managers, please contact us today.

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